Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy 2020!

Happy 2020!  2020 marks 30 years since I graduated from high school and 20 years since I graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine!  As of October this year, I will have been in practice since 20 years!  Where has the time gone?!
I also started doing my yearly January cleanse in 2001, so 2020 marks my 20th cleanse!   My regular day to day eating is pretty basic (no meat, no dairy, no eggs, no coffee, no alcohol, no refined sugar, limited gluten, limited processed foods) outside of dark chocolate and Friday night frozen pizza, but for January, I also leave out chocolate and any other sweets, gluten, soy, nightshade veggies (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant), and all purchased pre-prepared food (like restaurant smoothies, restaurant meals, prepared hummus, bagged popcorn etc).
For me, my January cleanse is always a good way to enter the new year in a simple, quiet, and grounded in my body way.  It serves as a good reset after the out of routine nature of the holiday season and I look forward to it each year.
My first meal for the 2020 cleanse is a smoothie (which is my regular breakfast even when not on a cleanse!)!  I lost my taste for green smoothies in mid 2019, so my smoothie contains a green apple, frozen blueberries, frozen cherries, chia seeds, almond butter, coconut oil, and water.  It always tastes delicious and, for me, feels like a perfect way to start the new decade!
Sending wishes for our new year and new decade to be filled with continued growth and learning and love and discovery!  

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